Intimacy Coordinator & Director

Recent Projects

Maya Hawke’s ‘Thérèse’ | Brady Corbet, dir.

This Bitter Earth | InterAct Theatre Company | Tyrone L. Robinson, dir.

Mother Melancholia | Co-commissioned by Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch | Samantha Shay, dir.

  • I've been working professionally for more than 25 years, and despite my constant efforts to professionally and sensitively navigate the requirements of staged intimacy, it is never not a difficult thing to do. Working with Colleen alleviated all of those concerns. She proved to be an artful collaborator, and I think the end result of the production was stronger because of her input.

    Gregory Isaac, Actor

  • Colleen's professionalism every step of the way left the actors feeling grounded and ready to take each next step. I cannot wait until our next collaboration.

    Gay Carducci, Director

  • Colleen was not only an incredibly insightful voice in the room, she was also an exceptional ambassador for Intimacy Choreography itself. I'm very thankful that I had someone as professional as Colleen to guide me through the process.

    Rebecca Smith, AEA Stage Manager

  • Colleen brought a framework to our room that took an overwhelming and sensitive moment that seemed impossible to approach, and crafted a detailed story while keeping us safe in our bodies.

    Rachel Brodeur, Actor

  • Colleen was an invaluable part of the rehearsal process for each of my last two productions. She's terrific at this work, discovering and articulating, moment by moment, the smartest ways to tell the story of characters' shared intimacy. What's more her introduction to the methods and values of intimacy choreography is empowering and inspiring for even the skeptical artists she encounters.

    Kathryn MacMillan, Director

  • As an intimacy director, Colleen creates an incredibly safe space to play. She is open and approachable, always highly professional, and makes the work FUN! I am grateful to work with her on any project.

    Megan McDermott, Actress

  • Colleen was able to curate a brave and informed space where our young actors were empowered to craft impactful moments of intimate storytelling, while also learning valuable lessons about consent and generosity. She's also a great human! My time with her made me a better teacher.

    Charlie DelMarcelle, Director & Professor of Theatre

In the News


Colleen is local to NYC and Philadelphia.

She works internationally and throughout the US.

Connect today to discuss how she can help support your next project.

Photo by: Rebecca Gudelunas | Image: Hannah Wolff & Colleen Hughes